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An Introductory Guide to Essential STEM Terms

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If you're new to the world of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), it can be a bit overwhelming. Not to worry; this guide is designed to help you navigate the lingo.

Table of Contents

1. [Programming Languages](#programming-languages)

2. [Development Tools](#development-tools)

3. [Web Technologies](#web-technologies)

4. [Data Science Terms](#data-science-terms)


Programming Languages

1. Python - A versatile, beginner-friendly language commonly used in web development, data science, and artificial intelligence.

2. JavaScript - The language of the web, essential for front-end development.

3. Java - A language often used in enterprise applications and Android app development.


Development Tools

1. Git - A version control system that helps you track changes and collaborate with others.

2. IDE (Integrated Development Environment) - Software that provides a complete set of features for software development.


Web Technologies

1. HTML5 - The markup language that forms the structure of web pages.

2. HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure) - An encrypted version of HTTP, used for secure communication over a computer network.

3. WWW (World Wide Web) - An information system where documents and other web resources are identified by URLs.


Data Science Terms

1. Machine Learning Libraries

2. DataFrame - A 2-dimensional labeled data structure, commonly used in data manipulation and analysis.

3. Big Data - Extremely large data sets that may be analyzed to reveal patterns, trends, and associations.


This guide barely scratches the surface, but it's a start. In [Part 2](#), we'll delve deeper into these terms and introduce more advanced topics.

Happy learning!


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