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Resources and Communities for STEM Educators: Part 3

Welcome to the


part of our series tailored for STEM educators. This installment is all about staying connected and continually learning in your role as an educator.

Table of Contents

1. [Educational Resources](#educational-resources)

2. [Professional Communities](#professional-communities)

3. [Staying Updated](#staying-updated)

Educational Resources

1. Open Educational Resources (OER) - Free and accessible educational materials.

2. MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) - Online courses accessible to anyone, usually at no cost.

3. Code Repositories - Online platforms where you can find or contribute code for educational purposes.


Professional Communities

1. ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) - A community that provides technology resources and networking opportunities for educators.

2. Reddit STEM Teachers Subreddit - A Reddit community for STEM educators to share resources and advice.


Staying Updated

1. Webinars - Online seminars that offer insights into the latest trends and best practices in STEM education.

2. Blogs and Podcasts - Follow blogs and listen to podcasts that focus on STEM education to stay informed.


That concludes our series on essential terms and concepts for STEM educators.

Thank you for joining us on this educational journey. We hope these resources, communities, and methods help you enrich your teaching practice.

Happy teaching and continuous learning!



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